Our Story

It all started with our founders embarking on a journey to bring forth the best nutrient-rich, flavoursome, guilt-free edible oil.

After visiting a multitude of bio-enriched farms across India, our team finalised a few farms from which the best quality seeds are sourced. This extensive research, along with the execution of the best techniques to harvest edible oils, led to the establishment of Nune. And now, we are ready to change the way you use cooking oils.

With most of the fieldwork taken care of, it was time to focus on the other crucial part of Nune – State-of-the-art machinery, which can do justice to the best seeds in the country and produce the healthiest oils. We also sought guidance from industry experts in this regard and concluded that the machinery needed to be tailor-made.

Now, team Nune has in-house machinery and technology that are used in conjugation with traditional Indian secrets and methods to produce

Rooted in Tradition, Refined for Today

At Nuné, our story is interwoven with the age-old traditions of oil extraction, paired with a commitment to contemporary culinary needs. From the sun-kissed fields to the polished gleam of your kitchen shelves, we ensure an unbroken chain of purity, authenticity, and sustainability.

Our Approach

Singularly Pressed Perfection

We celebrate the art of cold pressing, a method revered for its ability to retain the natural nutrients and flavors of our selected seeds. Each oil—be it groundnut, coconut, safflower, mustard, or sesame—is single pressed, ensuring you get the essence of the source in its most authentic form.

Unadulterated, Always

Our oils are a promise—a promise of no additives, no preservatives, just the pure, flavorsome, and wholesome nature of the core ingredient. Without any filtration, we keep the nutrients intact, delivering to you an oil that’s as genuine as nature intended.

Sustainability at Heart

As stewards of nature, we understand the importance of eco-conscious choices. Our sourcing practices ensure minimal water usage and eco-friendly farming, while our packaging strives for reduced environmental impact. By choosing Nuné, you’re partaking in a commitment to a healthier planet

Culinary Excellence

Beyond just being an oil, Nuné is a culinary partner. Our range, with its distinct flavor profiles, complements and elevates dishes, making every meal an experience to savor.

A Community of Trust

For us, it’s not just about selling oil—it’s about building relationships. We cherish our bond with farmers, suppliers, and most importantly, you, our valued customer. Our transparent practices and dedication to quality make Nuné not just a brand, but a family you can trust.