Difference Between Cold Pressed Oil & Regular Oil?

In the quest for healthier lifestyles, the type of oil we use in our daily cooking plays a pivotal role. Among various options, the choice often boils down to cold pressed oils and regular (or refined) oils. But what exactly sets these two apart? Let’s delve into the key differences, including why Nune Virgin Cold Pressed Oils might be the better choice for health-conscious consumers.

  1. Extraction Process:

Cold Pressed Oil: This oil is extracted through mechanical means at lower temperatures. The process involves pressing the seeds or nuts to extract oil without applying external heat, hence the term ‘cold pressed’.
Regular Oil: Regular oil, often referred to as refined oil, is extracted using high heat and often chemical solvents. This process can strip away flavors and nutrients and may introduce harmful compounds.

  1. Nutritional Content:

Cold Pressed Oil: Because of the minimal processing, cold pressed oils retain most of their natural nutrients, antioxidants, and healthy fats.
Regular Oil: The refining process can diminish the nutritional content of the oil. Essential fatty acids, vitamins, and natural antioxidants can be significantly reduced.

  1. Flavor and Aroma:

Cold Pressed Oil: These oils maintain the authentic flavor and aroma of their source seeds or nuts. This results in a richer and more robust taste in dishes.
Regular Oil: Due to the high-heat treatment, regular oils often have a neutral taste and smell.

  1. Purity and Quality:

Cold Pressed Oil: Cold pressed oils are often more pure and higher in quality. Brands like Nuné ensure their oils are free from additives and chemicals.
Regular Oil: Refined oils may contain residues from chemical solvents used in their processing. They may also have additives to extend shelf life.

  1. Health Benefits:

Cold Pressed Oil: The presence of healthy fats, vitamins, and antioxidants in cold pressed oils contributes to various health benefits, including improved heart health and better skin.
Regular Oil: The lack of these nutrients in regular oils means they don’t offer the same health benefits. Additionally, the refining process can introduce unhealthy trans fats.

  1. Smoke Point:

Cold Pressed Oil: These oils generally have a lower smoke point compared to refined oils. This makes them suitable for low to medium-heat cooking.
Regular Oil: High-heat processing increases the smoke point, making regular oils more suitable for high-temperature cooking.


Understanding the difference between cold pressed oils and regular oils is crucial when making healthy dietary choices. Cold pressed oils, like those offered by Nuné, provide a natural and nutritious option, enhancing both the flavor and health benefits of your meals. While they may be more suitable for certain types of cooking, their purity, quality, and health advantages make them a preferred choice for those seeking a healthier lifestyle.

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