Understanding different types of cooking oils and what makes Nune single pressed oils the best choice.

In the realm of culinary choices, navigating through the plethora of cooking oils can be overwhelming. Nune’s Single pressed oils, with their unwavering commitment to purity and nutritional excellence, emerge as an exceptional choice among the diverse array available. Let’s delve into what makes them exceptional and why they might just become your kitchen’s new best friend.

Single Pressed Oils

Single pressed oils, also known as cold-pressed oils, are extracted from seeds, nuts, or fruits using a method that doesn’t involve multiple pressing, excessive heat or chemical processing. This gentle extraction process involves pressing the raw ingredient (seeds, nuts, or fruits) only once at temperatures less than 50 °C to extract the oil. This method retains the natural flavours, colours, and nutrients, ensuring a pure and unadulterated oil.

The Benefits of Single Pressed Oils

Preservation of Nutrients: The cold-press method retains essential nutrients like vitamins, antioxidants, and fatty acids that contribute to a healthier lifestyle.

Pure Flavour Profile: By maintaining the natural essence of the source without any additives, single pressed oils offer a richer and more authentic taste compared to refined and traditional wood pressed oils.

Healthier Option: With no chemical additives or high-heat processing, these oils preserve their natural properties, making them a healthier choice for consumption.

Improved Digestibility: The purity of single pressed oils often leads to better digestion, making them a favourable choice for those with sensitive stomachs.

Disadvantages of Single Pressed Oils:

Lower Yield & High Cost: The single press extraction process tends to yield less oil due to the raw ingredient being pressed only once. This makes the production process slower and potentially more costly when compared to refined oils and wood pressed oils. 

Refined Oils

Refined oils are extracted from seeds, nuts, or fruits using methods that involve high heat, chemical solvents, and refining processes to extract the oil. These processes are designed to produce a clear, odourless, and neutral-flavoured oil, often with a high smoke point. Common examples of refined oils include sunflower oil, canola oil, soybean oil, and corn oil.

Advantages of Refined Oils:

Higher Smoke Point: Refined oils typically have a higher smoke point, making them suitable for high-temperature cooking methods like frying and deep-frying.

Neutral Flavour: The refining process removes impurities and flavours, resulting in a more neutral taste that doesn’t overpower the dish’s flavours, making it versatile for various cuisines.

Longer Shelf Life: Refined oils often have a longer shelf life due to the removal of impurities that can cause the oil to spoil more quickly.

Cost-Effectiveness: Refined oils are often more affordable compared to unrefined or cold-pressed oils due to their mass production and processing methods.

Disadvantages of Refined Oils:

Loss of Nutrients: The refining process involves high heat and chemical treatments, leading to the removal of natural nutrients, antioxidants, and beneficial compounds present in the raw ingredients.

Chemical Residues: Chemical solvents used in the extraction process may leave traces in the final product, which is a major health concern.

Potential Trans Fats: Most refining methods create trans fats, which are known to cause a multitude of health issues when consumed on a regular basis. 

Wood Pressed Oils

Traditional wood-pressed oils are extracted using wooden mills or presses and share some similarities with single pressed oils in terms of preserving nutrients and flavour. This method involves crushing the raw ingredient (seeds, nuts, or fruits) multiple times using wooden machines consisting of a mortar and a pestle to extract oil. The wooden press is known to allow for a slow and gentle extraction process without heat and chemicals, preserving the natural flavours, colours, and nutrients of the raw ingredients.

Advantages of Wood Pressed Oils:

Retains Nutritional Value: Similar to cold-pressed oils, wood pressed oils retain the natural nutrients, antioxidants, and essential fatty acids present in the seeds or nuts due to the absence of high heat or chemical processing.

Rich Flavor Profile: The slow extraction process preserves the natural flavours of the ingredients, resulting in oils that have a distinct and rich taste.

No Chemical Residues: As there are no chemical solvents involved in the extraction process, wood pressed oils are free from chemical residues, ensuring a more natural and pure product.

Environmentally Friendly: The traditional wooden pressing method is considered eco-friendly as it doesn’t involve harsh chemicals or excessive energy consumption.

Disadvantages of Wood Pressed Oils:

Temperature Increase: Successive rounds of pressing raise the temperature, compromising the “cold-pressed” label for later extracted oil batches.

Bitter Taste: Multiple pressings can impart a bitter taste to the oil, affecting its overall flavor profile.

Addition of Water: The process often involves adding water to aid extraction, reducing the oil’s shelf life and making it prone to quicker spoilage.

Higher Sediment Content: Wood pressed oils tend to contain more sediments, necessitating an additional filtration stage before consumption or use.

While each oil extraction method has its merits, Nune’s single pressed oils undeniably shine for their ability to preserve nutrients, offer an authentic flavour profile, and promote better digestibility. Their unique characteristics make them a top-tier choice for those seeking the purest form of oil for culinary endeavours and holistic well-being. Embrace the essence of nature with Nune’s single pressed oils—the epitome of flavoursome and wholesome excellence.

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